1.1. The present terms and conditions are systematically addressed to or put in place for each client to permit the placing of orders.

1.2. Therefore the act of placing an order represents the complete adhesion, without reservation from the client, to these terms and conditions. It is further agreed that all other documents, including prospectus or catalogues distributed by the client, hold no indicative value.

1.3. Without exception, no specific condition will be considered as holding greater importance than the present general conditions of sale, without formal written consent from the seller. Any contrary condition, contested by the client, will therefore, in the absence of written consent from the seller, remain incontestable to the seller, regardless of the moment at which it is brought to the attention of the seller. The present general terms of sale cannot be modified by any stipulation included in any document emanating from our partners, those stipulations are reputed to be revoked by the conlusion of the present general terms of sale, unless explicitly accepted in writing by the seller.

1.4. The fact that the seller does not adhere to one or any of these conditions, at any given moment, for any reason cannot be interpreted as a renunciation of the future validity of the aforementioned conditions


2.1. All orders shall be placed by the client on the seller’s website or, failing that, be made in writting.

In writting means by letter, fax or mail destined to the seller. These different command modes have an equivalent probative value.

2.2. All orders must carry a minimum value of 300 euros, price excluding tax and shipping fees.

2.3. All orders below this minimum value can be exceptionally acepted and will be subject to an additional tax of 15 euros, to cover order management and packaging costs.

2.4. In the event of stock shortage, the seller will respond to orders according to their arrival date and in relation to stock availabilities.

2.5 The seller retains the right to modify at any moment without prior notice visuals of the products defined in its prospectus or catalogues.


3.1. Any modifications or cancellations will only be accepted if it has arrived in writting before the expedition of the products.

3.2. After a reasonable period after the order has been confirmed, the seller reserves the right to make any kind of modification(s) at any moment, which he considers useful to its products.


4.1. Delivery Methods

4.1.1. Delivery is carried out by shipping/ transportation at the premises of the Seller.

4.1.2. Regarding transport of goods, the seller can propose to the client services from his shipping partner, with invoicing of the provided service.

4.1.3. In the event the client would have recourse to the services of another transporter, the client shall be solely responsible for consequences of any eventual delay of delivery and delivery difficulties

4.2. Delivery times

4.2.1. Deliveries are only operated in accordance to availability and arrival date of orders. The seller is authorised to carry out deliveries of orders in either a total or partial manner.

4.2.2. Delivery times are indicated as accurately as possible, but are subject to variations due to availability and transportation methods.

4.2.3. Exceeding stated delivery times does not render the seller accountable for the payment of damages, nor permit the revision or cancellation of pending orders. However, if after a delay of one month from the registered receipt of an order placement, an order has not been delivered, due to any cause other than a cause beyond reasonable control, the sale may then, at the request of one or other party, be resolved by cancellation. This will only result in the reimbursement of any down-payment received by the seller, from the client and will not lead to any other payment of allowances or damages from the seller to the client.

4.2.4. Are considered as cases of force majeure all event beyond seller’s control, which could not be reasonably expected at when concluding the contract. In the event of any of these cases, the seller will notify the client within reasonable delay.

4.2.5. Obligation to deliver goods within deadline comes into force only if and when the client is in respect of all its obligations towards the seller.

4.3. Risks in the event products are damaged during transit, the recpient shall be responsible of the products to make all necessary observations and declare all reservations by extra-judicial act of registered letter, along with notice of receipt from the transporter, within three days of receipt goods.


5.1. Without stipulation of the consequences befalling the transporter, all complaint concerning apparent defects of products, perceived differences between products ordered and products received or anomalies with the method of transport, must be formulated in writing within seventy-two hours of products arrival.

5.2. It is the responsibility of the client to provide evidence and justification of the perceived defects and anomalies noted. These must be sufficiently clear and conclusive to allow the seller to observe and understand the findings and to thereafter formulate appropriate solutions. The client will not intervene nor call upon a third party to intervene, in the formulation of such solutions, nor with anything to that effect.


6.1. Extent

6.1.1. The products are guaranteed against any manufacturing fault for a period of three (3) months from delivery date. Neither warranty claim shall lead to extension of the warranty period.

6.1.2. Under this guarantee, the only obligation of the seller is free replacement of goods, unless this mode of compensation proves to be impossible or disproportionate. To benefit from this guarantee, all products must first be examined by the after-sales service of the seller, whose agreement is essential for any replacement. The resulting delivery charges, should there be any, are charged to the client.

6.2. Exclusions

6.2.1. The guarantee is not valid for apparent faults.

6.2.2. Are also excluded of the warranty defects and deteriorations caused by natural wear and tear, or external accident (mistakes of assembly, defective maintenance or anormal use) or by an unexpected  or not specified modification of the product.


7.1. Modes of Return

7.1.1. All returned product must be subject to a prior formal agreement of the seller in the context of article 6 and 7. No other return shall be accepted by the seller. Any returned product without the agreement of the seller shall remain at the disposal of the client and shall give no right to any credit.

7.1.2. The client is responsible for expense and risks attached to a return. No return will be accepted after the fifteen day deadline following the validation date of the return.

7.1.3. Returned goods shall be accompanied by a return form to attach to the package.

7.2. Consequences


8.1. The products are provided at the prices in effect at the time the order is placed.

8.2. The prices are taken ‘net’, starting prices, tax excluded from the base price communicated to the client.

8.3. All tax, VAT, rights to be paid or any other service charge according to french regulations, or the rules and regulations of any importing country, or involved in transit country are under the responsibility of the client.

8.4. Any order amounting less than 300 euros minimum gives rise to an invoice for the lump sum of 15 euros, intended to cover administrative costs.

8.5. Unless written agreement is given by the seller, shipping fees are always the charge of the client. 


10.1. Modes of payment 

Unless agreed otherwise, payments will be processed by credit card or bank transfer at the order.

10.2. Delay or fault.

10.2.1. In the event of late payment, the seller may suspend all pending orders, without prejudice to any other right of action.

10.2.2. Any sum unpaid by the deadline stated on the invoice will automatically lead to penalties of an amount equal to one and a half times the legal interest and a fixed sum of 40 euros as compensation for recovery costs. These penalties will be payable at the request of the seller. The amount of these interests for late payment, can be automatically applied to any rebate or reduction given by the seller.

10.2.3. In the event of even partial nonpayment, 8 days after notification, the sale will be cancelled automatically in full right, and the seller may demand the return of the products without prejudice to his right to claim damages. The cancellation will not only impact the order in question but also all other unpaid orders, delivered or in transit, whether payment is matured or not. The totality of the debt shall be immediately payable, without warning. In all preceding cases, any sum that is due for further deliveries, or for any other reason, will become immediately payable if the seller does not decide to cancel the corresponding orders.

10.2.4. Regarding the cancellation of the sale, the seller may demand the return of the sold goods, by order of the statutory procedure declared by the President of the Commercial court of Marseille. The same decision will designate an expert to detail the state of returned goods and to define their value. On this basis, each component of the account will be liquidated, taking in to account the damages incurred by the resolution of the sale. The client will be required to refund all expenses incurred, including all legal fees.

10.2.5. Under no circumstance the payments may be suspended nor be counted as part of any kind of compensation without prior written consent of the seller


10.1. Modes of payment 

Unless agreed otherwise, payments will be processed by credit card or bank transfer at the order.

10.2. Delay or fault.

10.2.1. In the event of late payment, the seller may suspend all pending orders, without prejudice to any other right of action.

10.2.2. Any sum unpaid by the deadline stated on the invoice will automatically lead to penalties of an amount equal to one and a half times the legal interest and a fixed sum of 40 euros as compensation for recovery costs. These penalties will be payable at the request of the seller. The amount of these interests for late payment, can be automatically applied to any rebate or reduction given by the seller.

10.2.3. In the event of even partial nonpayment, 8 days after notification, the sale will be cancelled automatically in full right, and the seller may demand the return of the products without prejudice to his right to claim damages. The cancellation will not only impact the order in question but also all other unpaid orders, delivered or in transit, whether payment is matured or not. The totality of the debt shall be immediately payable, without warning. In all preceding cases, any sum that is due for further deliveries, or for any other reason, will become immediately payable if the seller does not decide to cancel the corresponding orders.

10.2.4. Regarding the cancellation of the sale, the seller may demand the return of the sold goods, by order of the statutory procedure declared by the President of the Commercial court of Marseille. The same decision will designate an expert to detail the state of returned goods and to define their value. On this basis, each component of the account will be liquidated, taking in to account the damages incurred by the resolution of the sale. The client will be required to refund all expenses incurred, including all legal fees.

10.2.5. Under no circumstance the payments may be suspended nor be counted as part of any kind of compensation without prior written consent of the seller


11.1. Le transfert des risques sur les produits, même en cas de vente convenue franco, a lieu dès l’expédition des entrepôts du vendeur.  

11.2. Il en résulte notamment que les marchandises voyagent aux risques et périls de l’acheteur, auquel il appartient en cas d’avaries, de perte ou de manquants, de faire toutes réserves ou d’exercer tous recours auprès des transporteurs responsables.  


12.1. Toutes les marchandises de Lovely Planet SAS sont vendues sous réserve du paiement intégral du prix en principal et accessoires. Le transfert de la propriété des marchandises est donc expressément subordonné au paiement intégral du prix.  

12.2. Les dispositions ci-dessus ne font pas obstacle dès l’envoi des marchandises par le vendeur au transfert des risques de perte ou de détérioration des biens soumis à réserve de propriété ainsi que des dommages qu’ils pourraient occasionner. L’acheteur devra souscrire une assurance garantissant les risques nés à compter de l’envoi des marchandises.  

12.3. Le non-paiement, même partiel, autorise la société Lovely Planet à récupérer les marchandises chez l’acheteur après sa mise en demeure par lettre recommandée avec avis de réception.  

12.4. Tant que le prix n’aura pas été intégralement payé, l’acheteur devra individualiser les marchandises livrées au titre du présent contrat et ne pas les mélanger avec d’autres marchandises de même nature venant d’autres fournisseurs. A défaut, le vendeur pourra exiger le remboursement ou reprendre celles encore en stock.  

12.5. L’acheteur est autorisé, dans le cadre de l’exploitation normale de son établissement, à revendre les marchandises. Toutefois dans ce cas, il s’oblige à régler immédiatement le solde du prix restant au vendeur.  



13.1. Tous les textes, ouvrages, commentaires, illustrations et images reproduits sur les sites édités par Lovely Planet sont réservés au titre du droit d’auteur ainsi qu’au titre de la propriété intellectuelle et pour le monde entier. A ce titre et conformément aux dispositions du Code de la propriété intellectuelle, seule est autorisée l’utilisation pour un usage privé sous réserve de dispositions différentes voire plus restrictives du Code de la propriété intellectuelle.  

13.2. Toute autre utilisation est constitutive de contrefaçon et sanctionnée au titre de la propriété intellectuelle sauf autorisation préalable et écrite de Lovely Planet. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle est strictement interdite.  

13.3. Le cocontractant est autorisé, au cours de la relation commerciale uniquement, à utiliser gratuitement les images, les textes et les vidéos (« matériel ») que nous mettons à sa disposition conformément aux conditions indiquées ci-dessous. Ce droit d’utilisation simple est valable uniquement dans la mesure où le cocontractant utilise le matériel mis à sa disposition exclusivement dans le but de promouvoir nos produits sur les sites internet du cocontractant indiqués par ce dernier dans le formulaire d’inscription. La licence n’autorise pas le cocontractant à utiliser le matériel dans le but de promouvoir nos produits sur des portails de vente appartenant à des tiers, tels qu’eBay, Rakuten ou Amazon (sans que cette liste soit limitative ou exhaustive), ou dans le but de promouvoir nos produits sur des sites internet autres que ceux indiqués dans le formulaire d’inscription. La diffusion, la reproduction et l’utilisation du matériel sont interdites sans notre accord. Le cocontractant n’est pas autorisé à modifier le matériel mis à sa disposition. Nos droits sont préservés dans toute leur étendue en cas de conservation de notre matériel dans des archives sous format électronique.

 13.4. Nous nous réservons le droit de révoquer l’octroi du droit d’utilisation simple à tout moment. Ceci est valable surtout dans le cas où le droit d’utilisation est exercé d’une manière contraire aux intérêts de notre entreprise ou si les conditions indiquées précédemment ne sont pas respectées.


14.1. Les parties rechercheront, avant toute action contentieuse, un accord amiable.  

14.2. Sera seul compétent en cas de litige de toute nature ou de contestation relative à la formation ou l’exécution de la commande, le Tribunal de Commerce de Marseille, à moins que le vendeur ne préfère saisir toute autre juridiction compétente.  

14.3. Cette clause s’applique même en cas de référé, de demande incidente ou de pluralité de défendeurs ou d’appel en garantie, et quels que soient le mode et les modalités de paiement, sans que les clauses attributives de juridiction pouvant exister sur les documents des acheteurs puissent mettre obstacle à application de la présente clause.