How to order at Lovely Planet
You want to know how to order at Lovely Planet ? Here's all you need to know in 4 steps !
Allow 1 or 2 days to prepare your order.
By ordering before midday, your order will be processed and shipped within 2 business days .
Yes !
In all cases, each order has processing fees : 15€ flat.
The good news is that for any order above 300€ net value, there's no fee anymore.
Don't hesitate to send us bigger orders!
Ideally ?
Credit card is a 100% secured method.
Your order will be given priority and shipped on the same or next business day.
If you're sending us a bank transfert, make sure we receive your remittance by email so we can move on to get your order ready.
Shipment !
Once processed by us, your order will be picked up for ground transportation in Europe or Air Shipment outside of Europe.
In Europe, lead time vary from 1 to 5 business days.
Outside of Europe, lead time vary from 3 to 6 business days.
The rates displayed in your order are calculated according to the weight of your order.
If you are picking up your order at our warehouse, choose the EX WORKS option when placing your PO.